. . .


  • yasi12 yasi12 » fotomen
    • i will be grateful if you can offer me the chance to be your friend and know each other better.
      I am yasi from Iran, your profile caught my attraction, please reply
      me back here email ([email protected])

      so we can communicate easily to know each other the more or you can send me your email id for me to write to you, i promise to
      also send you my photo for you to know me. Remember that distance,
      religion or tribe does not matter in life but true affection is
      everything we need to live our life and be happy.
      Yours new found friend,
      Miss yas

    vor 3195 Tagen

  • yasi12 yasi12 » deluxeee
    • Der Spamfilter wurde aktiv um andere User vor Spam zu schützen.

      Du hast zuviele PNs an Nicht-Freunde innerhalb 60 Minuten verschickt!
      Du musst 57 warten, um eine neue PN zu schicken.
      Userfoto von rumtreiber
      Als Freund
      Neue Nachricht

    vor 3195 Tagen

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