About me
She knows that if she ever breaks free
that she will never see the light of day
she’s been blinded by the stars and dreams she craved
and if they ever let her go
She still be bound to all her fears
and all the medicine they forced her to take
On and on and on she goes
on and on and on she goes
but she will never ever ever find love
unless she takes on a fight
along with the northern light
They found her in the basement facing east
howling wolves and inhailing beast
Were strangling every little dream she had in there
and if she ever finds her way
they will haunt her through the day
until she breaks and then becomes one of them, cause...
I luuv:
FriendS, Kissenschlachtpaty,Suafen,Feiern,Tiere,Herzal,
Fotos machen, reden, Gred&Forge,Walt Disney,Movies,
Tanzen<3,chiLLn,Gute Musik[FM4],Neue Leute kennenglernen,Essen,Bussi,Meine Haarx),WG mit:
Elli,Sabsi,Janüü und mir...
In LoVe