About me
>>If you read this line, rember not the hand that wrote it.
Remember only the verse,
songmaker´s cry, the one without tears.
For I´ve given this its strenght
and it has become my only strenght.
Comforting home, mother´s lap, chance for immortality.
Where being wanted became a thrill I never knew.
The sweet piano writing down my life.
Teach me passion for I fear it´s gone.
Show me love, hold the lorn.
So much more I wanted to give the onces who love me.
I´m sorry.
Time will tell (this bitter farewell).
I live no more to shame nor me nor you.
And you.. I wish I didn´t feel for you anymore..<<
waunts wos wissen woits üba mi, schreibts ma a pn oda an gb eitrog!! schreib hundertpro zruck! darad mi voi gfrein!!!!!!

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_____________SOAD ROX____________
_________SYSTEM OF A DOWN________