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janelove30 » Ali12345
- dobrý deH,
Moje meno je Jane Johnson
Videl som váa profil dnes v tomto mieste a dostae zaujímalo, vás, preto~e vyzeráte ve>mi pekné v profile, tu je môj e-mailovú adresu ([email protected]) prosím, poalite mi e-mail, tak~e poalem vám moje fotky a dozviete viac o moje vlastné,.
napíate mi na ([email protected])
Nezabudnite vzdialenose, farbu pleti, vyznania alebo kmeH nezále~í, ale láska veciach ve>a.
pobozkae moju drahú lásku
My name is jane Johnson
I saw your profile today in this site and get interested to know you, because you look very nice in your profile, here is my email address ([email protected]) please send me an email so that i will send you my photos and tell you more about my self,.
mail me at([email protected])
Remember distance,color,religion or tribe does not matter but love matters a lot.
kiss my dear love
vor 4565 Tagen