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Michael Ammer – Modelnacht Wien meets Fashion TV
Freitag, 28. Jänner 2011 um 22:00 @ The Box 2.0, WienModelnacht Wien
Donnerstag, 10. Dezember 2009 um 22:00 @ The Box 2.0, WienKlein, Party, Wiener, Mega, High, Luxus, Wien, Club, Live, Percussion, Daniel-->, Fashion Tv, Szene, Events, Fashion, Nachtleben, Live Act´s, Event, Michael, AT, Cosmo, Hamburg, - Society, 1030, Wien - Landstraße, Landstraßer Hauptstraße 2,
Samstag, 08. August 2009 um 20:00 @ Vulcano, Aicha vorm Wald (D)Sexy, Special, Anna, Black, Girl, Techno, Cola, Red Bull, Girls, Charts, Live, House Techno, Peter, Mode, Cocktails, Clubs, Beats, Djane, Turntables, Freien, Only, Coca Cola, Coca, Pushkin, Bull, Softdrink, Boot, Minirock, De...., Model, Toby, House, Disco, Wodka, 94529, Arbing 26a, Aicha vorm Wald (D)
1. Salzburger Modelnacht
Mittwoch, 25. Oktober 2006 um 22:00 @ Bungalow6, Wals-SiezenheimSpecial, Girl, Club, Sounds, Michael, AT, 5071, Kinostrasse 13, Wals-Siezenheim, 2006,