Out of Cheese // Vandal & Yowii
Sa., 25. Sep. 2021 22:00 @ GEI Musikclub , Timelkam
Die Speakerfreaks laden zum Tanz im Gei Timelkam am 25.09.2021!!!
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-//Line up//-
// Vandal // UK
(Kaotik / Underground Tekno / Amen4Tekno)
A co-founder of the legendary UK soundsystem, KAOTIK. Vandal has toured the UK and Europe playing his unique style of Jungle/Reggae infused Hardtek and Hardcore for nearly 10 years.
From the underground rave scene in 2000 until the present Vandal has been tearing up dancefloors
with his mix of Hardtek and Reggae. Influenced a lot by both UK and European sounds his style is
always developing.
// Yowii // ESP
(UndergroundTekno / 5Dan Records / W.A.R Records)
Yowii began his journey in 2007, playing Raggajungle/Drum&Bass sets in free-parties in the center of Spain. In 2010 he started producing his own music, developing his own style, influenced by Jamaican rhythms and broken beats.
In 2012, he made his first collaboration with the label “UndergroundTekno”, where he released 4 vinyls with the tag “RaggatekPower”. These releases allowed him to take the leap towards the international scene, performing in many countries such as Italy, Austria, Spain, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, UK or France.
In March 2015, he released his 5th vinyl with the tag “TekMoreRagga” under the label “World Alchemist Records” (W.A.R.). In September 2017, he released his first Raggatek/Hardtek album “Into the Wild” as CD & Triple Vinyl with the label UndergroundTekno.
// Heatzy // AUT
(Amen4Tekno Rec. - UK / Wicked Squad - AUT)
& special local Acts
// RaggaMaks // AUT
(STS Soundsystem)
Maks has been a DJ member of the STS Soundsystem since 2018. A few years ago the young DJ discovered RAGGATEK and JUNGLETEK for himself.
The Free Tree Festival and Elements were definitely his favorite gigs.
// TrickyTom // AUT
(STS Soundsystem / Constant Irie Crew)
Trickytom is a 24 y/o Dj from UpperAustria he startet Djing 5 years ago. He's a Member of the Sts Soundsystem since the beginnigs 2016 and joined the Constant Irie Crew in 2019. His styles are Jungle&Hardtek and DarkTechno.
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Kurzfristiger Switch vom Kasberg zur Indoorlocation Gei Musikclub Timelkam (Wildschutzes OÖLVJ)
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