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ANgel Tarpov LIVE in Concert@Schwarzberg

ANgel Tarpov LIVE in Concert

Do., 10. Nov. 2016 20:00 @ Schwarzberg , Wien

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Eintritt: VVK: 27 - Studenten 21 / AK: 35 - Studenten 27


"Save Me From This Hell Pre - Album Show" is the second concert for the autumn season of 2016 for ANgel Tarpov, and the first cocnert under the managment of Mercedes Reichmann and her upcoming label Richy Mercy Productions

Open Doors - 7 pm

Beginning of Concert - 8 pm

The show will be including the latest, and new material by ANgel Tarpov, and some unreleased music from his upcoming album.

Specia guest appearance will be by the dancer Anna Achimowicz.

News and updates for this upcoming event will be appearing within the next few days!

Stay Tuned.

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