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GORGEOUS II > FRISKA VILJOR (SWE) & Moscaburro + After Show@UFO Bruneck

GORGEOUS II > FRISKA VILJOR (SWE) & Moscaburro + After Show

Fr., 30. Mär. 2012 20:00 @ UFO Bruneck , Bruneck


FR/VE 30.03., 20h, VVK 12.- / AK 15.-
FRISKA VILJOR (Live from Sweden) &

Moscaburro (Upload Contest Winner 2011)

Arno Parmeggiani (indie / nu disco - love electro/tias./wupwup)

Reddey ( house /techhouse / tias. / wupwup)

> Tickets im Vorverkauf zu 12€ gibts im UFO_GROOVE CAFÉ / BRUNECK & POINT FASHION / BRIXEN & DISCO NEW / BOZEN

Kaum zu glauben: meine Lieblingsschweden kommen ins UFO… Daniel Johansson und Joakim Sveningsson warten auf ihrem vierten Album wieder mit all den musikalischen Facetten auf, für die man sie schätzt: beschwingte Sommerlieder, skurrile Instrumentierung, Fanfaren, Synthesizer, Chöre und inmitten all der Ausgelassenheit ein melancholisches Interludium zum Runterkommen. Eine typische Mischung aus Euphorie und Melancholie rund um Frauen, Alkohol und das Leben an sich. Friska Viljor machen auf „The Beginning of the Beginning of the End“ kurzweiligen Gute-Laune-Pop. Und damit bringen sie ausverkaufte Hallen zum Kochen. Mit dabei die Upload Sieger `11 („lokale Musiker“): Moscaburro aus Bozen. Und endlich ist auch Max Power wieder in Bruneck am Plattenteller…

Difficile da credere: arrivano all’UFO i miei svedesi preferiti... Daniel Johansson e Joakim Sveningsson anche sul loro quarto album presentano tutte le sfaccettature musicali per le quali sono apprezzati: canzoni leggere per l’estate, strumentazione stravagante, fanfare, sintetizzatori, cori, il pieno scatenamento interrotto da interludi malinconici. Una tipica mistura di euforia e malinconia su temi come donne, alcol e la vita in sé. I Friska Viljor su “The Beginning of the Beginning of the End” fanno del raffinato pop da buonumore, riempendo e infuocando le sale. Un’esperienza per tutti i sensi la offrono anche i vincitori di Upload 2011, sezione musicisti locali, i Moscaburro di Bolzano. E infine, anche Max Power di Brunico sarà di nuovo ai piatti.


Originally born of heartbreak and heartache Friska Viljor formed after endings, their journey hasnow taken them to new beginnings.

Over the past 4 years they have taken leaps through genres from sufferinga dn sorrow to hope and happiness in constant evolution using instrumentation from mandolin, ukelele and glockenspiel to accordion, clarinet and saw. The new direction delves into euphoric choruses as they explore the childhood nostalgia, soul searching and a touch of apathy.

Those of you that have heard of Friska Viljor before probably know the story of how Daniel Johansson and Joakim Sveningsson started the band after both their relationships had gone down the drain. Those of you that haven´t heard of the band still know this particular kind of story far too good. Heartache has always been one of the prime catalysts for artistic work, and every artist sees their own suffering as something unique, and their thoughts and work about it as something the whole world should share, says Daniel.

After four years using music as a cheap therapist both Daniel and Joakim have now come to the point in their lives when it´s time for a fresh start. This clearly shows on the band´s third album ”For New Beginnings”.

The lyrics no longer consists solely of broken hearts. Instead there´s stories of happiness, sorrow and hope. You´ll get some soul searching in If I Die Now, a bit of nostalgia in the childhood portray Manwhore, and some apathy in Hibiskus Park.

There´s also some changes in the music. You still get the drastic leaps between genres and the bands typical instrumentation with everything from mandolin, ukelele and glockenspiel to accordion, clarinet and saw. But you can clearly sense a new direction, away from euphoric choruses towards depth and seriousness.

GORGEOUS Music Nights are based on a collaboration between UFO Bruneck-Brunico and the Tanzen ist auch Sport. (wupwup) collective.


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