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Medien » Fotoalben » WAIDHOFEN

Kommentare (5 Kommentare)

  • Tuska-Markku Tuska-Markku Yup. And it kinda sucks.. But i'm stuck here now.. :( you need to promise me that you guys will come to finland in a year.. Otherwise i won't have anything to look forward to here
    16.07.2007 19:45
  • usill usill RU in the Army now?
    09.07.2007 14:48
  • Tuska-Markku Tuska-Markku geht nu sooooo vul..or something, I don't know how to spell it. Miss you girls! :'(
    08.07.2007 17:22
  • Toni_Traubensaft Toni_Traubensaft !!! :D !!!
    14.03.2011 17:53
  • usill usill doubble V, Te, eF ?
    25.06.2007 11:28