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Kommentare (4 Kommentare)

  • ganja5494 ganja5494 na - noch nicht,..
    29.09.2007 14:28
  • oneandonlypi oneandonlypi der neue film vom memento regisseur heisst "following" und ist nahezu noch verstörender als dieser... schon mal memento chronologisch richtig gesehen?
    29.09.2007 12:35
  • oneandonlypi oneandonlypi shave...
    29.09.2007 12:33
  • ganja5494 ganja5494 "So where are you? You're in some motel room. You just - you just wake up and you're in - in a motel room. There's the key. It feels like maybe it's just the first time you've been there, but perhaps you've been there for a week, three months. It's - it's kind of hard to say. I don't - I don't know. It's just an anonymous room."
    15.09.2006 17:16