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Motto S-cassata all'italiana #3 fasching Edition@Club U

Motto S-cassata all'italiana #3 fasching Edition

Fr., 16. Feb. 2018 07:00 @ Club U , Wien


A party cannot be legendary without a 3rd round... so there it is the S-cassata all'Italiana #3!

The DJanes "DJeans I&S" will lead you through a mix of tunes and styles: from Hip Hop to Reggae, moving to Italian trash and so on!

Ups... am I wrong or is it just happening right after Fasching???
Ok, then we want you dressed up in the trashest way possible: old hip hop stars, nostalgic latino singers, vintage italian neomelodic stars... be creative?!

What more? Oh, yes! Come and say goodbye to DJeans Shadey, who is going to leave Vienna at the end of February!

See ya!
Irene, Vania, Shadey

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