Celebrate the spirit of Streetparade
Samstag, 14. August 2010 um 13:00 @ Seebecken Zürich, ZürichTanja, Weiß, Love, Sтυя, Spirit.., Pimp, Techno, Ích**, Noise, Funk, Soul, Trash, Hell, Fedde Le Grand, Madness, Moonbootica, Dancefloor, Tocadisco, Swiss, Eddie Thoneick, Tom Novy, Gregor Tresher, Grand, F.R., Gogo, Liquid, Paul Kalkbrenner, Andy, Celebrate, Rene :-), Pascal ♥, De...., ♦ Ңөηба 2000, Round, Ѕєnѕιιвєl, 8008, Uto-Quai 10, Zürich, 1300,
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