if (Environment::doDebugOutput(true)) {
<% echo $this->headTitle(); %>
<% echo $this->openGraph; %>
<% echo $this->headMeta(); %>
<% echo $this->headLink(); %>
<% echo $this->buildStyleSheets(); %>
<% echo $this->headScript(); %>
<% echo $this->buildJavaScripts(); %>
<% echo $this->inlineScript() %>
<% echo $this->additionalHeaders; %>
switch (Registry::get('state')->getCode()) {
case 'SK':
$account = 'UA-200716-3';
case 'AT':
$account = 'UA-200716-1';
<% if (!isset($_COOKIE['disableResponsive']) || !$_COOKIE['disableResponsive']): %>
<% if ($this->detection->is('android') && floatval($this->detection->version('Android')) < 3): %>
' />
' />
' />
' />
' />
' />
' />
' />
' />
<% else: %>
' />
<% endif; %>
<% endif; %>
<% if (time() >= mktime(0,0,0, 4, 1, 2016) && time() < mktime(0,0,0, 4, 25, 2016)) { %>
<% } %>
<% $user = Registry::get('session')->user; %>
getBodyTagAttributes() as $name => $value) {
echo $name . '="' . $value . '" ';
%> >
$zip = '';
$province = '';
$location = '';
$age = '';
$gender = '';
if (!function_exists('lowerNoUmlauts')) {
function lowerNoUmlauts($str) {
$str = strtolower($str);
$replacePairs = array(
' ' => '_',
'ä' => 'ae',
'ö' => 'oe',
'ü' => 'ue',
'ß' => 'ss'
$str = strtr($str, $replacePairs);
return $str;
if ($user) {
$userData = $user->getUserData();
$userCharacter = $user->getUserCharacter();
$userPageAddOn = new \Weblife1_User_Page_Addon_Main(0);
$userInfos = $userPageAddOn->build($user );
$zip = urlencode($userData->getZipCode());
$province = urlencode(lowerNoUmlauts($userData->getProvinceName()));
$location = urlencode(lowerNoUmlauts($userData->getCity()));
$age = urlencode($userCharacter->getAge());
$gender = $userData->getGender() == 'm' ? 'male' : 'female';
<% if ($user && Registry::get('session')->isFreshRegistration) : %>
<% Registry::get('session')->isFreshRegistration = FALSE; %>
<% endif %>
Skip to the navigation.
Skip to the content.
Skip to the footer.
<% if (!$this->detection->isMobile() && !$this->detection->isTablet()): %>
<% echo Szene1_Ads::getInstance()->getBanner(Szene1_Ads::BANNER_SITEBAR_LEFT) %>
<% endif %>
<% if($this->loggedIn): %>
<% echo $this->username; %>
<% endif; %>
$selected = ((strpos($this->uriPath,'/search') !== false) &&
(strpos($this->uriPath,'/search/usersingle/') === false)) ||
(strpos($this->uriPath,'/community') !== false) ||
($this->uriPath == '/') ||
(strpos($this->uriPath,'/neighborhood') !== false) ||
(strpos($this->uriPath,'/partyfun') !== false) ||
(strpos($this->uriPath,'/sprueche') !== false);
$selected = (strpos($this->uriPath,'/event') !== false) ||
(strpos($this->uriPath,'/scotty') !== false) ;
$selected = (strpos($this->uriPath,'/photos') !== false) ? false : $selected;
$selected = (strpos($this->uriPath,'/photo/') !== false) ? false : $selected;
$selected = (strpos($this->uriPath,'/upcoming') !== false) ? false : $selected;
<% $selected = (strpos($this->uriPath,'/photo') !== false) ? 'selected' : ''; %>
$selected = (strpos($this->uriPath,'/flirtfinder') !== false) ||
(strpos($this->uriPath,'/search/usersingle') !== false);
$selected = (strpos($this->uriPath,'/location') !== false);
<% $selected = (strpos($this->uriPath,'/musik/') !== false) ? 'selected' : ''; %>
<% $selected = (strpos($this->uriPath,'/location') !== false) ? 'selected' : ''; %>
<% if($this->loggedIn) { %>
- Friends
- Fotos & Videos
- Gruppen
- Termine
- Meine Locations
<% if (Registry::get('session')->user->hasAccess('backendmedia','overview')): %>
- Meine Fotojobs
<% endif %>
- Einstellungen
<% if($this->isAdmin) { %>
- » A D M I N «
<% } %>
<% } %>
<% if($this->loggedIn) { %>
<% } else { %>
<% } %>
<% echo $this->placeholder('notifications'); %>
<% if(Registry::isRegistered('fallbackactive')) { %>
Fallback-Hack aktiv! Diese Seite wurde noch nicht überarbeitet und funktioniert womöglich nicht richtig!
<% } %>
<% if(Registry::isRegistered('session') && (Registry::get('session')->obSeen < 1)) { %>
<% } %>
<% if ($this->detection->isMobile() || $this->detection->isTablet()): %>
<% endif %>
<% echo $this->content; %>
<% if ($this->detection->isMobile() || $this->detection->isTablet()): %>
<% endif %>
<% if (!$this->detection->isMobile() && !$this->detection->isTablet()): %>
<% echo Szene1_Ads::getInstance()->getBanner(Szene1_Ads::BANNER_SITEBAR) %>
<% endif %>
<% if (Environment::doDebugOutput(true)): %>
// echo $this->debugInfo;
echo "
BASE-TIME total secs " . BaseConnect::$totalMs;
echo "
SHAREDANCE(SESSION)-TIME total secs " . Szene1_Session_SaveHandler_ShareDance::$totalMs;
echo "
TIMELINER-TIME total secs " . Notification::$totalMs;
echo "
MEMORYCACHE-TIME total secs " . Szene1_MemoryCache::$totalMs;
echo "
davon MEMCACHE(zentral)-TIME total secs " . Szene1_Cache_Memcache::$totalMs;
echo "
BASE-CALLS total " . BaseConnect::$totalCalls . "
echo 'BaseConnect cache-access : ' . BaseConnect::$cacheAccess . ' - times';
foreach (BaseConnect::$cache as $id => $uid) {
echo "$id ==> $uid
echo '
echo '
echo "
TIMELINER-CALLS total " . Notification::$totalCalls . "";
echo "
MEMORYCACHE-CALLS total " . Szene1_MemoryCache::$totalCalls . "";
echo "
MEMCACHE(zentral)-CALLS total " . Szene1_Cache_Memcache::$totalCalls . "";
echo '
echo "
Mem Usage: " . round(memory_get_usage() / 1024 / 1024, 2) . "mb (" . round(memory_get_usage(true) / 1024 / 1024, 2) . "mb); Max: " . round(memory_get_peak_usage() / 1024 / 1024, 2) . "mb
// echo Thrift_UserCache::getDebugInfo();
$sqlHigh = new Weblife1_Debug_SQLHighlight();
echo "
$totaltime = 0;
foreach (Szene1_DB_MysqliConn::$debugQuerieTime as $host => $time) {
$totaltime += $time;
echo "
[" . $host . "] " . round($time, 5) . " seconds needed (" . Szene1_DB_MysqliConn::$debugQuerieCounter[$host] . " Queries)
echo "
Total Time needed for DB: " . $totaltime . "
echo $sqlHigh->highlight(Szene1_Db_MySQLiConn::$debugQueries);
<% endif; %>