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Fort Minor - In Stereo (The Rising Tied)

in diesem Monat 9 mal betrachtet

Fort Minor - In Stereo (The Rising Tied) gegründet am 13.02.2008
Wels (Stadt), Oberösterreich Land:AT
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“That beat is hott”

This is how it goes,
Welcome one and all to the show.
We're wired up, fired up
F**king ready to go.
In the back of the parking lot,
Outsida of da bar,
20 deep, 20 feet
From the boulevard.
Black hoodies, black caps
Black label and glasses
Previewing the new shit before all the masses.
'cause the first thing I need when I got a new beat,
Is to see how it sounds echoing off the street.
I just take it for a spin,
Pop the CD in,
Slide it up to ten and get that rear view shaking then,
Play it again so there's no mistakin',
San Andreas, the block, get this bitch earthquaking.
Like ohhhh!
Ready for it here we go,
We got the whole block rocking in stereo.
Taking control, letting everybody know
And if you feel it lemme hear everybody go
You're not ready
I got plenty cuts for twenty months drop steadily.
Plenty tracks to empty on your whack pedigree
I'm backed heavily while your back peddling.
Forget the chit chat, homey homey kick back

Members (1)

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